Patch 3.22.4 - 27.11.2018 23:00 - Wersja do druku

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Patch 3.22.4 - 27.11.2018 23:00 - Vultur - 28-11-2018

[Obrazek: polishon.png]

- Wszystkie bandy +30% skilla asa (slabsze wiecej niz 30%)
- W ramach nagrody pocieszenia przy 'bad luck' po zakonczeniu extreme taska dostaje sie 50% expa
- Tutorzy są teraz anonimowi w grze i na help chacie
- Wiekszy loot infernal senzu beans z hell beast/blaze metalic
- Zmieniono senzu bean w dropie metalic na super senzu bean
- Naprawiono blad z Tower Quest na rooku (stackowalne skeleton heady)
- Kilka poprawek graficznych na mapie
- Kilka zmian na Salamandrach oraz Hell Beastach + wiecej hell beastow na respie

[Obrazek: englishon.png]

- All bands +30% training attack speed skill (weaker band more than 30%)
- As a consolation prize at bad luck after end of the extreme task, you get 50% of normal exp
- Tutors are now anonymous in game and on help chat
- Better loot infernal senzu beans with hell beast / blaze metalic
- Changed loot senzu bean in metalic for super bean senzu
- Error with Tower Quest on rook fixed (stackable skeleton heads)
- Several changes on Salamanderas and Hell Beasts + more Hell Beasts on resp
- Several graphic corrections on the map
